Monday, April 1, 2013

Black Olive Fougasse & Serge Spelt Bread

Black Olive Fougasse
I wanted this Fougasse to taste better than Dorie Greenspan's Fougasse.  Dorie's being so good, I wanted a version that was even better.  I was excited.  This recipe calls for brine-cured olives if you have them.  I did.  Also, instead of sprinkling a course salt on the top, Wells has you make an olive oil and fine-grained sea salt wash for the top.  Finally, no lemon or rosemary like in Dorie's version.  The result is a fougasse that is not as flavorful as it could be and is not something you'd want to make again.  Not that it was edible, but it just didn't make the grade for a repeat performance.  

Patricia Wells: Provence Cookbook Recipes 1 & 2
Serge's Spelt Bread 
Though this dough went through a number of long rises, the whole grain spelt flour did little for the flavor of the bread which was a bit dense and would work well for sandwich bread, but was not tasty enough to ever make for that purpose.  Also, the top crust was quite hard, and the bottom somewhat ruined because I didn't grease my pan.  Must grease pan.  Overall, bread was fine, but the flavor didn't merit a remake. 

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